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Our service offers you a Windows 7 / 8 theme desktop that overlays your existing desktop, together with MS Office 2013 Professional Plus and Exchange email. It’s a secure, familiar and consistent environment that can be delivered to a PC, Mac or tablet.

Some people are concerned by the use of the word “Cloud” – however, also known as “hosted”, Cloud offers full security, lower initial costs and predictable pricing, fuller mobility, and scalability.


Features of our Cloud Desktop services


  • Windows 7 or 8 Desktop

  • MS Office Professional Plus (2013)

  • Latest Exchange email

  • Unlimited remote Service Desk support

  • Automatic upgrades

  • Shared storage

  • Files and data backed-up (daily and weekly)

  • Other applications hosted (99% of non-Microsoft applications work)


There are numerous commercial and operational benefits of Cloud desktop.

Reduced costs

With support, upgrades, licensing, and monthly payments, you will save money simply from having everything covered under a single service package.

You will also save on the costs of having to provide all these features in-house.

No capital expenditure

The costs are spread across monthly payments, offering all the benefits but removing capital expenditure, since there’s no need to invest in on-site servers or software.

Your employees simply become more productive with a fully functional, up-to-date, secure desktop solution.

Expert support

We provide unlimited remote support with our in-house Service Desk for all Cloud Desktop users.

Our service desk is open 07:30 AM to 6:30 PM, Monday to Friday, with options for out-of-hours cover or weekends and bank holidays.

We also offer 24×7 system monitoring to get a head-start on an issues that may arise.


One of the key benefits of Cloud is that economies of scale allow us to provide extremely robust and resilient infrastructure without single-points-of-failure.

This means your Cloud desktops are highly available at a fraction of the cost of providing this sort of resilience needed with an on premise solution.

Freedom to manage your business

With all the concerns of managing computer desktops covered, all that time is given back to you so you can get on with operating the business.


These days the flexibility of working from different locations is essential if we’re to be competitive – whether at work, at home or even out visiting customers – because your desktop environment is in the Cloud, it’s accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

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