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    Why Choose Viewsoft. Consulting?




    Collaboration is critical to your company’s productivity and innovation. With integrated collaboration technology, you can engage and stay connected with colleagues and customers in the cloud or on premises from anywhere – securely and in high quality. At Network Solutions, Inc. we strive to offer solutions that enable end-to-end collaboration for every user, device, and location. In turn, you’ll see a higher return on investment from three perspectives:


    • Productivity: Cisco Collaboration drives productivity by promoting higher business process efficiency, faster time to market, and reduced cycle time.

    • Operations: With the ability to have your organizational footprint anywhere at any time, you can mitigate travel and infrastructure costs, and even reduce the energy consumption in your office space.

    • Strategy: Our intelligent collaboration tools allow you to create new business models, enhance customer interactions, and gain a competitive advantage within your industry.


    Managed Services 

    Technology is vast and ever-changing, making it increasingly more difficult for organizations to provide training and help them to maintain certifications while focusing on strategic business initiatives.


    Business Intelligence

    The profitability of your business is directly correlated to your ability to analyze data. The problem is even businesses who understand the value of their data may find key data segmented across multiple platforms, or may be unable to pull the most valuable information from existing systems. This delays your opportunity to identify and respond to business challenges. Network Solutions, alongside our consulting partners, will work with you and your team to organize the data you have, effectively pull the new data you need, and combine it into one user interface for seamless reporting.


    Enterprise Networks

    With Cisco’s Enterprise Networks, Network Solutions can provide your company with the reliability and resilience to ensure you never have to deal with network connectivity problems.


    Highest data durability

    You don’t have to sacrifice reliability or availability to enjoy cloud benefits. Virtustream Storage Cloud was designed to give the resiliency that enterprises require for their most critical data, but in a cloud environment. Built-in redundancy allows for up to 99.999% (5 nines) availability and up to 99.99999999999% (13 nines) of data durability. Virtustream Storage Cloud also meets rigorous security and compliance requirements, with an ongoing certification and third-party audit program.

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